1."Working out a district quota system will promote the city to attain a uniform distribution of its population, " he added.
2.Here the uniform distribution of this network does not address the state known as instability.
3.Duct branch is rich in natural form of uniform distribution, wall smooth, branch pipe and tube diameter on the transition to a flat.
4.But this approximation would bring errors if the circumferential non-uniform distribution is strong in case of asymmetrical distribution.
5.Moreover, after setting up a T-shaped dam in the distribution chamber , the steel flow showed a more symmetrical and uniform distribution.
6.During the process of revetment construction, it has a uniform distribution on bank slope at the place of high water depth and big velocity.
7.The standard deviation was used to scale the uniform distribution degree of solid holdup in different exchanger pipes.
8.Aimed at a uniform distribution of driving torques, an optimization design of pass parameters is carried out for primary bar rolling mills.
9.Even with a non-uniform distribution of initial letters, this makes for dramatically smaller reads.
10.Women from the Western Knitting percentage figure can be seen that the trend-shaped uniform distribution.